This year, Slovak Academy of Sciences will open its international evaluation to increase its credit in society and abroad. The evaluation will be conducted by foreign experts and it should prove the best institution of SAS. Chairman of SAS Mr. Pavol Šajgalík said, that SAS would like to avoid the suspicion that it evaluated itself.
The period of the last four years should be evaluated and the head of the evaluation committee is likely to be Vice-President of the Academy of Finland Marja Makarow. Paul Šajgalík also stated expectation that the new government will understand this evaluation as a challenge for Slovakia and SAS will get additional financial resources for the support of the leading institutions that will be selected by the panel of international experts.
Minister Draxler said that the state, with limited resources, wants to promote more excellent workplaces and therefore welcomes the initiative of the SAS. At the same time, he plans to implement large audit the entire research community in Slovakia to determine how strong the Slovak research institutes are. In his words, he wants big government audit of all science in Slovakia to make it clear where to give money.
Photo source: SAV