IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2023
The aim of the V4IP project is to identify the most effective financial instruments and optimize the financial schemes available in each V4 country, as well as to share best practices and develop recommendations for policy makers and funding organizations at national and regional V4 levels.
This will ensure the support of subjects from the region in accessing funding for the protection of intellectual property in research and innovation results. The aim of the project is to try to increase the number of applications for the protection of intellectual property submitted at the national level as well as abroad.
Moreover, by ensuring more effective protection of intellectual property, companies from the region can build a more competitive position and improve their business image. In addition, the recommendations resulting from the project research will also serve as a valuable source of information and a basis for the creation of joint programs to support the protection of intellectual property within the V4 regional cooperation.
Thus, the V4IP project supports the improvement of the culture of intellectual property protection at the V4 national and regional level.
The project is co-financed by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through V4 grants from the Visegrad Fund.
University of Debrecen