The protest of the management of the Slovak Academy of Sciences against commitment of appropriations in the academy budget chapter has been supported by the Slovak Rectors´ Conference. The commitment of expenditure is rationalized and justified by the need to compensate for low purchasing prices of milk and valorization of salary of pedagogical and academic teachers. When creating a proposal for a specific pay scale of academic teachers, the research employees from SAS and universities were omitted, even though these research employees are involved in academic education. The commitment of appropriations penalizes these researchers because it will influence salaries and funds for a research.

On July 25, 2016, the Slovak Rectors' Conference (SRC) issued a statement in which it disagrees with the commitment of appropriations and with the committed capital expenditure of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the valorization of salaries. According to the SRC, such an approach can lead to a crisis in the funding of Slovak science and may endanger personnel structure of scientific base in Slovakia.

European Researchers' Night

The festival of science - European Researchers' Night is an annually organized event throughout Europe. The ERN is the largest of its kind in Slovakia and Europe, bringing together people and researchers in 300 cities in about 25 countries on the last Friday of September. This year´s edition will take place on 29 September 2023 and you can look forward to the 17th anniversary of the science festival in Slovakia.



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