Source: Research Agency

Until 10 August 2015, representative associations and unions, individual private sector organizations and companies active in research and development can nominate one expert to the Council of Research Agency (former ASFEU).

Emerging board will coordinate science and research with links to practical needs, while half of its members will include experts from the private sector. After sending the nominations, Minister Draxler will nominate 10 candidates and appoint them to the Council of Research Agency. The Board will start their activities in September 2015 and it will enable to announce new calls to support research projects from operational program Research and Innovation.

The nomination must include:
1. The nomination list of the organization that nominates the expert as a candidate for the Council of Research Agencies (Note: Each organization can nominate only one candidate) and part of the list must also clearly identify each candidate with a particular area of ​​specialization RIS3 SK (see Chapter 4 RIS3) :

2. CV of the candidate in the form Europass.

3. Motivation letter of the candidate that must include: information about the most valuable experience dealing with research, development and / or innovative projects in some of the areas of specialization RIS3 (maximum 5 experience in this sense); relevant outcomes in the area of ​​research, development and / or innovation (publications, patents, industrial designs, etc.); a description of experience with international research, development and / or innovation environment.

Each candidate will have to meet the following minimum quality criteria (information about their fulfillment has to be included in the curriculum vitae of the candidate):

1. Education: at least achieved II. degree of university education, preferred III. degree of university education,

2. Practice: At least 10 years lasting experience in dealing with research, development and innovation projects in some of the areas of specialization RIS3 SK;

3. Additional requirements:
- Other relevant outcomes in the area of research, development and / or innovation (publications, patents, industrial designs, etc.)
- Experience in international research, development and / or innovation environment is an advantage.

Nominations should be sent to the mail: and and by post (marked on the cover with " Rada Výskumnej agentúry “) to the address:
Kancelária ministra
Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky
Stromová 1
813 30 Bratislava


European Researchers' Night

The festival of science - European Researchers' Night is an annually organized event throughout Europe. The ERN is the largest of its kind in Slovakia and Europe, bringing together people and researchers in 300 cities in about 25 countries on the last Friday of September. This year´s edition will take place on 29 September 2023 and you can look forward to the 17th anniversary of the science festival in Slovakia.



No events available.
