The European Foundations Award for Responsible Research and Innovation invites you to share your responsible research project that incorporated innovative methods of the research with the needs of society. The project has to contribute responsibly to the development of a smart, inclusive and sustainable society. Application closes 7 December 2015.

The project has a chance to receive €20,000.
Eligible applicants: Universities, research centres, individual researchers, research consortia, civil society organisations and any other type of organisation involved in a responsible research practice in Europe. Research conducted solely by for-profit organisations is not eligible. The research is ongoing or has been finalised not earlier than 2013.

As participant, you must meet all of the following criteria:
·    Your scientific research project or research programme addresses a responsible research practice and is conducted by a university, research centre, industry, civil society organization or other type of organization.
·    Your research coordinator must be located in the European Research Area.
·    Your research must be on-going or have been finalised not earlier than 2013.
·    Your coordinator of the research and his/her team must agree to participate in a case study analysis if short-listed by the Award Committee.
·    Your research team endorses the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Finf more informations here.

Illustrative photo, Source: Money

European Researchers' Night

The festival of science - European Researchers' Night is an annually organized event throughout Europe. The ERN is the largest of its kind in Slovakia and Europe, bringing together people and researchers in 300 cities in about 25 countries on the last Friday of September. This year´s edition will take place on 29 September 2023 and you can look forward to the 17th anniversary of the science festival in Slovakia.



No events available.
