On the September 8, 2015, Vice Prime Minister for science, research and innovation Pavel Bělobrádek met with Slovak minister Juraj Draxler - the subject of the meeting was the joint participation of both countries in EU programs and to enhance cooperation in science and research. "It is necessary to focus on the use of Horizon 2020 and the European funds in cooperation with the Slovak and other Central European countries, like Germany or Austria. The joint cooperation will increase our success in projects and maintain competitiveness of the whole Central European region” said Mr. Bělobrádek.

Vice Prime Minister Bělobrádek pointed out the capacity and top infrastructure of new Czech scientific and research centres that could be used by Slovak scientists.

The theme of the meeting was also adjust the evaluation system of science and research and the prioritization of fields of science. In the Czech Republic, needs of industry are defined by the Government Council on Competitiveness and Economic Growth, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Bělobrádek. Czech Deputy Prime Minister also presented the main theses of the envisaged law on science and plans for the establishment of the Ministry for Research, Development and Innovation.


European Researchers' Night

The festival of science - European Researchers' Night is an annually organized event throughout Europe. The ERN is the largest of its kind in Slovakia and Europe, bringing together people and researchers in 300 cities in about 25 countries on the last Friday of September. This year´s edition will take place on 29 September 2023 and you can look forward to the 17th anniversary of the science festival in Slovakia.



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