Slovak Organisation for Research and Development Activities published a study titled „Slovenská organizácia pre výskumné a vývojové aktivity vypracovala štúdiu po názvom "Z čoho žije slovenská veda - analýza verejného financovania výskumu a vývoja v Slovenskej republike ako nástroja, ktorý by mal zabezpečiť slovenským vedcom úspech na medzinárodnom poli".
The aim of the analysis was to point to the small volumes of financial resources invested in S&T in Slovakia, which is a well-know fact. By means of a questionnaire survey, the analysis also identified the corresponding structural problems, which, together with the insufficient funding, form a vicious circle that has not been broken for years. The individual results of the survey, supported by official statistical indicators very clearly show that Slovak science is not living, but hardly surviving.
The project included a roundtable discussion which was attended by representatives of the Slovak scientific life, public administration and international experts. The proceedings of the discussion were incorporated into the final version of the study.
The project was supported by the British Embassy in Bratislava.

Photography n.2 - participants of roundtable         



European Researchers' Night

The festival of science - European Researchers' Night is an annually organized event throughout Europe. The ERN is the largest of its kind in Slovakia and Europe, bringing together people and researchers in 300 cities in about 25 countries on the last Friday of September. This year´s edition will take place on 29 September 2023 and you can look forward to the 17th anniversary of the science festival in Slovakia.



No events available.
